

During the intake we will make an inventory of your wishes. During this appointment I would like to meet with you in your own environment. This allows us to walk through the room(s) together and I get a good idea of who you are and what you find important in the interior. In this way you can indicate what you like in the current situation and what the bottlenecks are. In addition to walking around, we also sit down at the table and discuss all your wishes, ideas and your investment wish. Do not feel burdened if you have already gathered some ideas in advance or have examples of what appeals to you in the interior. I include all elements that were discussed during the intake in the interior advice, so that a design is created that is tailor-made for you. I like to take the time for this appointment, so that I can work as efficiently as possible in the further process and you can be assured of advice that seamlessly matches you and your expectations.


An interior advice is not on the table within a day. It is a process that takes time and has to take shape. I will go through this process with you, after all, it is your interior. After the intake, I will get to work with everything we discussed during that appointment. Based on the information, I make a mood board, which is a visualization of the concept that reflects the look and feel of how your interior will be. I develop this mood board into different designs, so that you gain insight into how the space can be used optimally and you can choose which design suits you best. We will discuss this together and go through all the elements in the various designs, so that you have space to discuss your feelings and ideas. This is all part of the process and the challenge is to search for your own identity in the interior together.

Final plans

After the second meeting, we have a concrete idea of how the design will be. All points discussed during this meeting are included and worked out into a final design. Everything you want, find beautiful and make the design your own, have been combined and designed in such a way that it has become a harmonious whole. This design can also be visualized in 3D drawings, so that you get a good idea of what the interior will look like. A file is made in which all the interior plans that we have made together will be included. When you are completely enthusiastic about the complete interior design and advice, a plan can be made for the realization of the design.

Shop till you drop

This is a great service if you no longer see the perfect piece of furniture through all the furniture stores and therefore find it difficult to go out and shop for your interior yourself. Or if you find it difficult to completely outsource the shopping to the interior consultant. You are not alone, because for this assignment you have come to the right place at Bernadette Interieurontwerp- en Advies. I would like to unburden you in purchasing the interior, where we go to the most beautiful interior stores together to put together your interior within your investment wish. You keep control during the process and maybe that is exactly what you need to dare to take the step to completely restyle your interior. Bernadette can offer interior design and advice for both small and large changes.